Tuesday, November 28, 2006


What I'm Reading

In another attempt to post fairly regularly, I decided to do a regular "What I'm Reading" post. Give some link love to the stuff I've enjoyed, and possibly alert some people to stuff they may not have seen, though I imagine I'm usually last to the party on most (if not all) of this stuff.

Over on CardSquad, Wil Wheaton has a great article on a Barry Tanenbaum article: "Are you a a long term winner?". I haven't read the original article yet, but it sounds good from Wil's summary.

Since I'm at work, and lunch hour is over, that's all for now. I may add more later, or maybe tomorrow.

By the way - has anyone heard of (or used) CheckYourBets.com? If so, how did you like it?

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