Friday, April 28, 2006


New poker blogger and blogroll addition

One of my readers that makes semi-regular comments is named Thirsty. Well, Thirsty now has a blog. Check it out - it's brand new. I've added it to my bloglines account, and if there's good poker content showing up there then I'll add it to my blogroll on the left.

And I also need to introduce the latest blogroll addition: Bloody P Plays Poker. I've been following the blog via Bloglines for a while and I've been enjoying it. So check it out when you have some time.

Hey Sooted!

Thanks for the pimpage! Much appreciated!

You are full-on-evil-robot-chubby linked my blog!!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the mention Sooted.
My blog is still very much work in progress.
You have the honour or shame, depending on how you look at it, of being my first link.

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